What can I do more? (poem)

What I can I do more to love?
Dear Lord! I was fixed on the belief that
No one loved me, and thus people hated me
On the basis that I had a mental illness.

The feeling of thinking that you are detrimental
To the society can be burdensome
And I continue to think this way
And hate others.

Oh, but what can I do more to love?
For an hour of love is better than an hour of hatred.
Teach me the art of love,
Because I want to be close to Love himself.


What do people do to you?

I’m just worried that I will end up in an institution for the mentally ill. That’s really common here.

Or if no one can take care of me I could easily end up in one.

I guess that’s a valid worry in your country, I guess. But I meant do you face a lot of stigma and harassment because of your schizophrenia?

I do, the stigma is always in the news. It was on the news yesterday, about a schizophrenic woman violating rules because she thought that they were kidnapping her.

Said: “Oh! She’s mentally ill and she’s going to infect everyone!”

My country’s news is made up to make fun of mentally ill people.

Well, I don’t want to pry, but what do you face personally?
Half the country probably wasn’t even aware of that incident. I mean it sounds like you are putting yourself down and no one else is.

I just know that I will most likely be shunned or put into institutions if my illness got serious.

Also if you want to look at what stigma I face, type 조현병 online on naver.com and you’ll get thousands of rude comments and comments like “families who have schizophrenica patients are doomed in eternity”

■■■■ neurotypicals.

But that shouldn’t stop you from doing things. You may get worse or you may just get a little worse. In the meantime you could be having coffee out or taking short walks or something else. I know you have extenuating circumstances due to your physical problems. But I have back problems and need to lose weight, hell, I could get worse mentally too sometime in the future, but I don’t really know. So I’m going to keep working, going to the park or going through the drive-thru restaurant. You can’t always base your life on “what-ifs”.

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But people won’t hang out with me because I’m disabled?

Maybe some will, maybe some won’t. You don’t know until you try and reach out. I’m in the same boat. I’ve been avoiding people, I thought I liked being alone. And I did, but I’m just doing it too much. It’s a matter of balance. Luckily, I’m forced to be around people at work and I still have one sister in the country.

But if I ever tell them that I have psychotic depression, they will be like OH MY GOOODNESS, YOU’RE ARE GOING TO ATTACK ME, AREN’T YOU?

…I mean, look at the naver website alone. Mentally ill people aren’t simply accepted here- unless you have depression, that is.

Has anyone ever said that?
Tell them “no” and laugh it off and be friendly. That’s just looking at the worst case scenario again; nobody’s actually done that and maybe never will. You live in Greece, right? I thought your country was democratic and fairly liberal in it’s views.

I live in South Korea. Maybe I’m just overly conscious of what others think of me. I love my country, but it’s really bothersome when something on the news or something on the Internet show stigma. It happens too often.

Oh, sorry about that, I got you confused with someone else.

If you try, you may find some nice person who accepts you. They may be hard to find but it’s worth a try.

A kind neurotypical doesn’t exist, unless they’re your relative and/or your immediate family. At least not in my experience.

@anon10648258 Thanks for posting. I realized that I had an empty heart, I thought, for many years. I was not feeling and not expressing much love at all. I spoke with a few close people and kind of told them quite cautiously that I “did not love them.” I actually did not say this out loud. Then when I talked in therapy my social worker and I agreed that I had been set back by my sz. Then I started making intentional tries to love. I started loving a friend. And it worked.

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Well, you can believe that if you want, despite millions of examples to the contrary.

I want to believe in contrary but I spent a fraction of my life being bullied and abused. My belief is mainly due to my PTSD.

OK, well, I wish you the best. IDK what else to say.