What are your plans if you live through this virus

hell yes travel , hugs every one. etc………….


So many. I want to meet a partner, have a little home in the city, a cute old house with worn wood floors and a tiny backyard space for gardening and decoration. Let the cats become indoor outdoor cats. Raise chickens maybe. Solar panels and low flow toilets and whatever the sustainability measures of the day are. Listen to records together and cuddle. Go see cultural events. Continuing education in some form, possibly grad school, maybe just Coursera. Maybe return to work. Take slow walks in the park together. Have a long happy life.


Start a bucket list!


I don’t have the money to do stuff but I want to do more free things with my kids.


I want to get married if possible because I might not be able to because of my disability pension.do t want to risk losing it and my boyfriend will not support me financially.

Be with family n loved ones.

Volunteer.exercise.keep being vegan.

Get my tounge pierced and go down on my boyfriend.

Get more tattoos.

Possibly travel.


To be happy. Still here.


Take walks into town and do more supermarket shopping on my own.


Hug my Mom!..


Continue to work on my mental health, finish Barber school, and continue to live life to the fullest.

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I just still want to wake up in the morning and have coffee with my girlfriend. then play the guitar and later have eggaritos…in that order every day…makes me so happy to be with her. I want my life to continue without worry or fear.


Either get a haircut or get a longer neck.


I want to meet up with my long distance boyfriend many more times and eventually move in with him. Also want to travel more in general.

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Go on the bus and travel around town.

Be around the hussle and bussle of people.

Do my hair treatment.

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im going to ride a bicycle, go to the park, get a job, go back to school, compulsively buy toilet paper haha.

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Going to the pub and have a meal and a beer.

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Day hike with a stop for a pub lunch.

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See my oldest daughter and my parents and my siblings and their families. A big happy reunion. I miss them all so much :disappointed_relieved:

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I’d probably catch up with some folks, starting with my sisters first. Also, I’m not going back to housekeeping so I plan finding on a job related to my program. Oh and I may update my okcupid profile and try dating again :sweat_smile:

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