What are your plans for the upcoming week?

The weekend is here and a new week is almost upon us. Do you have any plans for next week?

I have a doctors appointment Monday. Tuesday I am getting my miniatures and paints so I can mess around with that. I am also expecting 2 late birthday presents for my mom(her birthday was yesterday :grimacing:) to arrive Tuesday.

So do you have any plans for the upcoming week?


I’ll probably play some New World (It’s a video game). Next week I work on Tuesday and Friday. Other than that nothing really, other than. I guess the usual, surf the Internet and watch TV.

The following week I have a blood test, Oct 25th. My first in 6 months. I’m very curious what my A1C (blood sugar) will be, I’ve lost 29lbs since my last test.

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I work all week but Wednesday night I’m going to a concert

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Wow, congrats!

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Have fun at your concert @RottenApple ! Is it anyone that we may have heard of?

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Thanks @Bowens Ever since I quit olanzapine a little over 4 months ago the weight has just melted away. I also get a bit of exercise from my job, as a delivery driver I have to drop off packages so I am constantly walking up and down peoples driveways all day long and then up their stairs to put the package on their porch.

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Twenty One Pilots. Not really my cup of tea to be honest but my friend asked me to go and I love live music so I’m giving it a shot


Im going shopping food tomorrow.
Wednesday clubhouse and hopefully do something fun.
Otherwise just be at home.


i have blood work on monday because they lost my last sample and it never made it to the lab. other than that, no plans, which is good, i’m used to nothing on my schedule, but these past 2 months have been one thing after another.

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Next week I will be working during the day, read a little on the bus to and from work, come home play a little Diablo II Resurrected on PS4 then go to sleep hoping not to wake up.

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I am working from home everyday but Wednesday when I have to go to the office

Luckily in my new work the HO is only 10 mins on the bus! Super convenient - never thought I’d get an analyst role so close to me!

Going to restart gym

Get my new Apple watch today. I really should not have got it, but my old one is 3 years old now and badly damaged

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