What are your life long goals?

I personally want to become a computer programmer and learn how to play the piano.

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Mine is Get Rich or Dye Trying…:+1:


good mantra… :innocent:

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Well the dream currently would be psychiatrist who does research. But med school isn’t looking like an option at this point in time so I’m going to go for prescribing psychologist who does research. I may change my mind and decide to do only research, I want to do a clinical internship before I choose.

I don’t know honestly… Now I’m studying makeup and I do graphic design part time.
In the next few months… I will continue French language studies… just practical… not sure yet.
I will volunteer at the hospital… I will start doing makeup for people and weddings too. I will work out more… I need to lose 10 pounds. starting now, I will diet. 10 pounds is up to 3 weeks max.

what else… I will focus on enjoying life more everyday and taking it easy. I want have a lot of fun above anything else.

I can’t speak for lifelong goals but my current goal is to work on a fashion design degree and hopefully meet more people that are young and educated about mental illness.

Get buff like Arnold Schwarzenegger (was)

Get a job, work hard, and be rich so I can show all my friends I’m better than them (probably not gonna happen now)

So yeah just those two are life long.

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