What are your insecurities

My insecurity is that I have low comprehension. I’m saying, for example…if I am reading a book and I don’t understand what it is saying…I ask my father to interpret it. because I don’t comprehend it. I feel stupid sometimes.

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I don’t have insecurities.

My weight,not feeling pretty enough,my mental health,not working,not hanging out having friends,sleeping with alot guys,fact I met them on Facebook,feel crazy and pathetic,sad and lonely life

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Same for me. I’m losing weight slowly at the moment though as I’m calorie counting.

Haha you claim that you are not pretty enough but you managed to sleep with a lot of guys?

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My biggest insecurities?

I don’t like to talk about them!

Except for my weight I don’t care to mention that I want to be 55kg. Right now I’m 73kg.

Eh not be mean ass but know people need fix them selves up but not ugly and been around and I’ve gotten talked about

I’m insecure about everything, my looks, my personality, my brain, everything. I’m a mess.


I’m insecure about a lot of things, but I’m especially insecure about how I look. I’ve lost 90 pounds this past year and I still see so much I need to improve on in regards to my body. I’m also insecure about the dark rings around my eyes. Luckily, full coverage foundation usually covers it well

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I’m not really an insecure person ! Not bragging just telling the truth

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I have been in the past. For example my hair is thinning and I was freaking out although I should have seen it coming. Now even if I was bald fat and making minimum wage I’d feel great!!

My piano playing. That’s pretty much it.

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Being dumb from medication is the main one…

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There’s not enough room on the internet for me to list all my insecurities, lol.


That people can tell I have sz as soon as they look at me.


I am insecure about how things will change for me in the future. Also about difficult social gatherings.


I’m insecure about my social abilities. I’m not very good in social situations, and feel like a clumsy ape.

I’m also becoming a little worried about my guitar playing. I’m losing my abilities as time goes by, and other guys can make me look like I’m standing still. Also, I have the two loser voices mocking me every time I play guitar. I try not to let it get to me for the most part, but I’m sure it affects me somehow

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I’m pretty insecure about not being able to fully process past hurts. Not bullies or past jobs or upbringing but my abuser. Thankfully I am still in therapy.

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I have insecurities but I think once I get my medical condition treated and once I lose weight, I shall be unstoppable.

Even though I have other insecurities too, I think I can WORK with them :blush:

Because I am proud of who I am.


I grew up really poor. I mean REALLY poor. No food or shelter security. Now that I’m moderately successful as an adult I have a profound fear of losing what I have and being sent back to where I used to be. It’s like…

“Oh, you escaped. Well now we’ve found you and you don’t belong in this world. We’ll be sending you back to the poor house now.”

I regularly have nightmares of this nature.

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