What are your fears living with schizophrenia?

That I’ll never go to school again, that I might end up homeless, or that I will be on disability for the rest of my life, or that I will commit suicide.

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that sz will be the end of me and i will die at the hands of it
end up poisoned or murdered by someone who reads/sees my intrusive thoughts and thinks i’ve harmed someone close to them

I know it most likely feels like your mind is an open book and I remember feeling judged and harassed. Intruding thoughts can make me feel very beat up.

It took me a long time… but please know… the inside of your mind is all yours. People can’t read your thoughts.

The inside of your head is safe from the outside world.

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I fear that one day I will give up

Losing my husband.

Before I was diagnosed, all of our friends and family seemed to have a high respect for me; After my diagnosis, I was sent to stay at a hospital in our community. The day they released me, I came home to a place where friends and family began calling me ‘stupid’ and ‘retard’. Whenever I speak, they claim I’m too delusional to even know anything of what I’m saying as if I’m not actually educated.

My husband doesn’t refer to me as stupid or retarded, but there has been plenty of situations where his family has tried to talk him into ditching me for a “better life”, even though his life before me was excessive drinking, drug use, and refusal to attend college. He does none of that now since we’ve been together and will have his degree in a few months.

I’m afraid one day that he will actually look at me and decide I’m nothing good. It has caused me so much mental distress that I’ve relapsed into having various episodes over the last two years. I believe he loves me since he’s always wanting to be close and spends every moment with me, but I’ve ruined our life with my schizophrenia that we’ve lost all of my friends and most of his - even his family just loathes my existence.

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I’m afraid I will never be motivated to do things again.
I’m afraid that I will not cope with life.
I’m afraid I will hurt my husband.
But mostly the motivation one.

I sincerely hope that your marriage bond will be strong forever.

I’d kill myself or kill someone I love.

**Much luck :sunny: **

I’m scared I’m going to break and not be able to function anymore. I’m always scared that time is going to come. Every time I think I’m ok and have gotten through the worst of it I get hit with the crazy like a train. I actually have nightmares about it, me losing it and being locked up, disappointing my family, losing friends, etc.

Also have a very real fear of dying alone because of it. I REALLY want a family of my own someday.

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I am scared of relapsing and the voices returning. I don’t like hospitals so I am afraid of having to go and stay at one for a while. My doctor told me that if it came down to it I could do outpatient treatment but I dont believe her. I think she would have me locked up.

Becoming homeless at any moment. :scream_cat:


What will I do if I run out of SSDI?
How will I make ends meet?

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I have that fear a lot being homeless.My family is pretty up in age so 1 relapse could be me and my child on the street.


my fear is my memory is bad so dementia losing my mind really terrifies me.

Thank you; I could only hope the same, but with the way current situations are flowing, I may not be so lucky.

my dear friend has just begun to show overt symptoms of delusions and auditory hallucinations. i wonder if she were to learn that most of her reality is not based in truth; how can she move forward and ever trust her instincts, intuition or even random thoughts. this must be terrifying!!! can the psych meds and talk therapy ever restore that? if she is not a danger to anyone maybe she can just live with these thoughts? if her anxiety is treated with benzodiazipines sp? maybe she can live with a certain amount of paranoia and accept it? i need to understand better how this works as her caretaker. tx for all the education, babs

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I’m sorry to hear about your friend as well.I feel the same way as the other person if she’s having hallucinations and hearing voices she needs an antipsychotic and something for her anxiety.Im not a doctor but I do have schizoaffective and to help with voices and hallucinations that’s what’s given.It will help with her distinguishing from what’s real and what’s not.She will be fine with the right meds and a good therapist also support from friends like you.Take care.

I fear that I am damaging my loved ones with my words and creating blockages in their mind or giving them depression or other mental problem.
I also fear that those who have conspired against me can harm me physically as well as my loved ones as they are powerful and can go to any demonic extent. THEY are not SAINTS but SINNERS.