What are your eating habits daily

eating a balanced diet is supposed to be so important but who has the energy. It’s a hard habit to get into for me. I have an especially hard time eating breakfast. What about you?

  • I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks
  • I eat 3 meals
  • I eat 2 meals
  • I eat 1 meal
  • other

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I try to eat 3 meals, but sometimes I only have the motivation for 2 meals and a snack. I’m a cranky jerk on those days, probably from low blood pressure.

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I eat 1-2 meals and some snacks inbetween.

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Is the question difficulty in preparing or consuming for clarification purposes…

laziness in preparing but for me I’m nauseated in the morning so I don’t want to eat til my tummy settles down. I don’t know why I’m nauseated, I’ve always been that way. It usually settles around 10 to 11 but that’s about time for lunch.

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That’s unfortunate you feel ill. I deal with functioning insomnia. Since I’m mostly self-reliant, I cook constantly. It’s quite difficult cooking for two people that are on different diets on most days. I just persevere as best I can.

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Do you feel you have a balanced diet? If so does that help you? I think I would feel better if I ate more regularly. Sometimes, a lot of times I only get motivated to eat once a day and sometimes it’s not a very balanced meal.

I have my hubby on a heart healthy diet as much as possible. I suffer from long qts so most meds I cannot take if I’ll; therefore, I balance a holistic anti inflammatory diet with a strong deviation towards timing my macros and micros since I lift heavy three days a week, cardio two and active rest two

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sounds like you eat really healthy then. I’m struggling to make sure I get enough veggies and protein. If I had it my way I would just eat sugar probably (carbs)

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I eat plenty of carbs. I fear no foods except bananas and avocados I don’t need the potassium

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There are different carbs simple and complex. It depends on your activity level and time of day for which is more beneficial. They’re also called high gi or low gi carbs

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my son can’t get enough bananas, I think for some reason he needs potassium, maybe it’s because he works out so much

I get plenty of potassium from other sources. Those have excessive amounts that affect my bloodwork

oh I didn’t realize that. Do you mind me asking what blood work. How does that mess it up?

I have long qts and too much potassium affects my heart rhythm

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1 or 2 meals. usually one unless im working and burning more calories, then ill eat 2.

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I should have said other I guess. One meal one snack

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I usually have two or three crackers in the morning to get my metabolism started, but today I had a small nectarine. Then I have a cup of healthy cereal with half a cup of milk for dinner. The milk is for the cereal, not for drinking. Sometimes I have a frozen dinner. The only things I drink are water and coffee.

Uhhh irregular and weird. I usually have a decent breakfast…and then sometimes I just don’t eat the rest of the day aside from like a snack. Sometimes I have a fast food meal. Sometimes I’ll go all day with only having had like one snack to eat all day like a slice of cheesecake. I don’t really get all that hungry during the day honestly. However once night time rolls around it’s like my appetite switches on and I eat like crazy, it’s just like snack after snack after snack. Part of it is because of seroquel, makes me sleepy and when I’m sleepy I’m like a bottomless pit. Part of its cuz I get very anxious at night and I stress eat.

I eat irregularly.
Maybe 2 meals and several snacks throughout the day.
Something like this.