What are you up to tonight?

Im just here on the forum but it seems to be less active now


Just traveling to see my sister… staying in a hotel… what are you up to?


That sounds fun. Are you travelling by car? Im just on my phone waiting to get tired lol


Yeah I’m riding with my dad and mom… it’s a pretty long trip… maybe try downloading some games on your phone and playing them until you get tired? Haha that might not help though if you found one you liked

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In bed, browsing youtube on my PS5. Hoping to be sleeping within the next hour or two.


I’m also on the forum tonight.

I just had a banana for breakfast.

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Did you ever fall back asleep or still up since 1:30am?

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Still up.

But I went early to bed. I think around 8 pm.


Poor guy, you had a sleepless night.

It’s noon time here in Nanjing. I got up early this morning before 7am. Went to the grocery then back to home. Chilling on internet and reading a chapter of the book (The road less travelled). Now I’m going to cook a meal as lunch. Feeling good about the day.


probably just gonna watch youtube music videos or read the forum…

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Watching season one of The Blacklist and drinking ginger ale. Fighting a headache again.


Hey it’s mid night and I couldn’t sleep so I made a pot of coffee… Just reading the forum


I just got through watching an old 70s horror flick on Shudder.

Just chillin with my C Crane and Jimmy Boy now. :blush:


I need me one of those.

Ari has a toy stick with feathers on the end. He is actually picking it up and dancing around on two feet with it right now. He’s crazy over the toy.


Awww sweet boy!

Yeah I love my C Crane. It’s the pocket radio version of their radios, but I kind of wish I got one that can plug into the wall or one that’s rechargeable. It is really good on battery life though.


decent night…two more days of heat before relief at all…should be just about time in a few weeks for Fall temps…thank goodness…

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I had a JBL portable speaker I really liked but it now appears that my daughter has a JBL speaker she really likes. Damn it. This is the replacement:

It’s fairly waterproof so I can bungee it to the end of my board and rock out on the lake tomorrow night. w00t!


@shutterbug oh music on the water…how nice…we listened to beegee’s once on a lake in a boat we were skiing in…nice memory.


Got my playlist ready.


It’s already cooling off here, but today’s problem was wind. Just holy crap. It overturned a truck on the road outside of town and caused a fatality. I’m glad I stayed home.

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never knew a factor like wind would be bad in Canada…no wonder the fires went crazy.

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