What are you looking forward to this winter?

What are you looking forward to this winter?
Or are there anything you enjoy doing every winter?

I’m looking forward to:

  • Going to see a movie with my friend in December
  • Making nut tarts for christmas
  • Cooking Japanese New Year’s dishes
  • Sending & receiving New Year cards to & from friends, relatives and acquaintances
  • Drinking hot chocolate
  • Experimenting some winter makeup
  • My birthday in January

Tell me what you are looking forward to?


Not sweating because it’s 112 degrees out while trying to sleep.
The entertaining look of stiff sheets and underwear frozen on the laundry line.
and best of all- Springtime!

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being home in alaska with the snow and skiing .

Mooses right outside the door asking for pancakes like tablescraps .

the crab season and working in it because usually you get free crab .

Spending Christmas where everyone else is trying to emulate eith their fake stuff but where your at FOR REAL.

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The time off… the slower pace…

The time for reflection…

The rainy afternoons that can be spent on the sofa with a book.

Of course… making plans for what to plant for spring.

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Feeling of solitude -

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I look forward to playing games on my tablet.

I’ll be seeing Hamlet in November.

I’ll get to wear my boots.

Grabbing my boots and going through hikes near my apartment while it’s snowing out I can picture it now

Springtime. I’ve hit middle-age and the cold bothers my arthritis.
