What are you like off meds?

I’m much more untrusting that every situation isn’t just a plan to get rid of me and out of this house.
No one is on my side, never will be.
I tend to walk out the door when I hear footsteps inside, and will just walk all over town for quite a few hours, regardless of what time of night it is.
One time I walked to the creek by my house, and along the trail when I stopped, there were these “people”(?) dressed like theatrical birds flying from tree to tree, throwing branches at me.
It irritated me, and some how the police were around too.

Unmedicated I’d go around talking to my guardian angels. I feel them around me and I hear them speak. They protect me from demons. Demons want me dead. I isolate, stop communicating. I vanish into my other world.

Before I got ill, I was highly functional. Popular, social, quick in mind. I was a boss at my work. Did great work and was very much liked by my co-workers.