What are you forcing to do through your negatives?

I am forcing myself to exercise every two days and play 3 league of legends games a day. Its not much but its honest work


I force myself to work, take care of my hygene and go to the gym at least 3 times a week for an hour

Hmm. . .

I Don’t Actually FORCE Myself To Do Anything Really, If It Isn’t In Your Heart To Accomplish, Why?.

Oh, you know, just my entire life. From the walk I don’t want to do in the morning, through the job I’m too tired for, to the pictures I’m not sure if I really want to go out and take because I just want to nap in front of Netflix.

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Exercising everyday, going for a walk every day, playing guitar everyday once I get going, I’m glad I did

That’s the agony of negatives

I force to work, read/watch educational things, eat and write… I’m gonna try to get a hair cut the next day off

Hmm?. . .

Not Having An Artistically Spiritual Metaphorical Heart?.

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Yes …… :confused:1515151

Hmm. . .

That’s Okay, Don’t Feel Bad, Not Many People Do. . .

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I don’t force my self to do unpleasant things.
I take it easy.
I only force myself to take a shower.
And i make it, once a week. At most twice a week.

Yeah… I used to be more creative. I think. I try not to beat myself over it though😶

Hmm?. . .

Probably For The Best, Since It’s Not The End Of The World.

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I’ve found it to be a matter of habit. I set aside time for it every day and eventually art starts to happen again.


Manage a household and keep it clean all the time,

Take care of three dogs.

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Hmm. . .

Like An Ember?. A Jewel?. Meditation?. Desire?. Purpose?. Meaning?. Dreams?. And Nature?.

Indeed. The world will not pause and wait :no_mouth:

Hmm?. . .

Tru Holla On Da Dolla!.

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Yeah that’s true… I agree with you on that.

Some times I ponder on what’s the point? But I guess that’s the point

I honestly go in spurts and starts, sometimes I clean like nobody’s business sometimes I just watch the junk accumulate. I try to shower every day or at the minimum every other day. I make myself keep a journal daily, even if all it is a sentence or two.