I watched a documentary about ZZ Top on Netflix yesterday. ‘Twas pretty good.
I just turned on news, but trump was giving a briefing or something so I changed it to forged in fire, on history channel. typically the only thing I watch on tv is either news, basketball, ancient aliens, or sometimes music concerts.
Old disney movies.
I’m just watching music videos on tv.
Harlots. On Hulu.
There is a new series of undateables that just started. It’s a show that films people with disabilities like autism and learning difficulties go on dates. It always makes me smile getting a look into the sometimes quirky worlds of these people.
I watch like 3 different series of Star Trek and that’s basically all I watch. I’m a Trekkie.
Seen the new Picard show?
My dad would love you. Do you also like those apocalyptic movies? He does.
Yes, my dad and I watch it together. We both like it, unlike some other Trekkies. Its something we can bond over
No. Is it good?
I’ve only seen a few, but I like the premises.
I usually don’t like those kind of movies but I watched Reign of Fire with Matthew McConahay (I hope I spelled it right) and it was really good!!!
Well it’s okay. It’s very next generationish. I found those slow paced quite often. I prefer DS9 to be honest.
There’s nothing interesting on free view
modern family, money heist(I strongly recommend) and initial d(I’m almost done I’m on the last season which is the 6th, it’s a car anime)
I love DS9 so much, Sisko is my favorite captain in fact. I just finished DS9 this summer with my dad. It’s his favorite, too.
Nice! I love it. Absolute favorite, cardassians and all.
I am watching Judge Judy.
oh, i am a bit nostalgic on tv.
i used to watch “the a-team” when i was a child, so i bought the dvds and watch episode to episode from time to time. same for battle star galactica (of the late 70s).
i also like star trek (the omp more than the series, although i found them pretty good as well).
recently i had a trial on netflix and watched “The Irishman”, the longest film despite lord of the rings i watched so far.