What are y’all watching on TV?

I watched a documentary about ZZ Top on Netflix yesterday. ‘Twas pretty good.

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I just turned on news, but trump was giving a briefing or something so I changed it to forged in fire, on history channel. typically the only thing I watch on tv is either news, basketball, ancient aliens, or sometimes music concerts.

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Old disney movies.

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I’m just watching music videos on tv.

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Harlots. On Hulu.

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There is a new series of undateables that just started. It’s a show that films people with disabilities like autism and learning difficulties go on dates. It always makes me smile getting a look into the sometimes quirky worlds of these people.


I watch like 3 different series of Star Trek and that’s basically all I watch. I’m a Trekkie.


Seen the new Picard show?


My dad would love you. Do you also like those apocalyptic movies? He does.

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Yes, my dad and I watch it together. We both like it, unlike some other Trekkies. Its something we can bond over

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No. Is it good?

I’ve only seen a few, but I like the premises.

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I usually don’t like those kind of movies but I watched Reign of Fire with Matthew McConahay (I hope I spelled it right) and it was really good!!!

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Well it’s okay. It’s very next generationish. I found those slow paced quite often. I prefer DS9 to be honest.


There’s nothing interesting on free view :frowning:

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modern family, money heist(I strongly recommend) and initial d(I’m almost done I’m on the last season which is the 6th, it’s a car anime)

I love DS9 so much, Sisko is my favorite captain in fact. I just finished DS9 this summer with my dad. It’s his favorite, too.

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Nice! I love it. Absolute favorite, cardassians and all.

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I am watching Judge Judy. :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:

oh, i am a bit nostalgic on tv.
i used to watch “the a-team” when i was a child, so i bought the dvds and watch episode to episode from time to time. same for battle star galactica (of the late 70s).

i also like star trek (the omp more than the series, although i found them pretty good as well).

recently i had a trial on netflix and watched “The Irishman”, the longest film despite lord of the rings i watched so far.

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