What are some positive things that you wish you had in your life?
Another person to help me.
No depression.
My creativity and passion back.
A successful band.
A romantic partner.
The only really bad things in my life are negative symptoms of sz. If I could get rid of Anhedonia and Avolition it would go a long way towards making me happy.
So, I guess the answer to your question is:
1: More ability to feel pleasure
2: More motivation
Right now the number one thing is sobriety.
The ability to work, think clearly, and remember things.
A job and a girlfriend
Same a job and girlfriend
Female companionship would be nice.
Although to be honest, ever since I started taking 1.5mg of clonazepam for insomnia I feel tranquilized all the time. I don’t know if I would have the energy to go out and do things full time, so it wouldn’t be fair to her.
Liars always caused personal problems so I would always be alone. And I will never want one of the stalkers, they did everything for.
I got the job part done. Need to complete the girlfriend part.
Someone who beats me to motivate me do stuff.
Did you do the friends part?
I don’t bother with friends. Co-workers perhaps but no friends.
I wish I had a cure for sz.
Don’t all schizophrenics wish there was a permanent cure?!
Money, of all the mundane things. You wouldn’t believe how little I live on each month.
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