What are my advantages and defaults according to you, honestly?

ok, I am still alone with my meds… its not easy. 15 years of selfhatred and isolation it marks…
but what do you like in me physically? and what you dislike? ill try not to hate you because of the dislikes :slight_smile:
there is the estheticians out there, maybe ill go to them one day :slight_smile:

I think your biggest disadvantage is your own self-sabotaging attitude that you often have. I think if you could overcome that, you would overcome many more things by default.

I think your biggest advantage is that you’re still strong enough to desire things, even though desire can be very painful. You haven’t let your emotions die, like many people do and they become sociopaths or narcissists. You still have the full depth and full spectrum of human emotion even though it is often painful, you fight to keep your humanity. I feel proud of you for that.

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ok, nice answer turnip, thank you. I guess you are right …:slight_smile:

I think you have lovely features, Anna10…

Try to get into an exercise routine instead of laying in bed for such long periods of time.

I need to lose about 15lbs myself so I plan on swimming a lot this Spring/Summer!


it seems to me you think down about yourself. youre pretty Anna. I would be lucky to find a girl as pretty as you.

get a hobby and make a regular outing … that way you can feel happy with out time efforts and alone time :slight_smile:

yeah, I am still quite depressed… ill try to gout out tomorrow with my mom. I do it so rarely, I need physical activities too :slight_smile:thanks huckfinn, I miss the smile but maybe it will come… or ill put myself on an antidepressant ill see…:confused:

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You’re very brave! I hate being looked at, and would never post a picture and invite comments. The truth is, though, that you have lovely features: nice skin ( maybe could use a little sunshine) pretty eyes, and nice hair… Your defaults are in your mind.

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I like your eyes and full lips. Overall you are pleasant to look at.

As for deficits, I’d say you could play up your features more. Maybe grow your hair a bit at style it to frame your face. Small touches of lipstick and eye shadow and brow pencil would play up your positives. And a smile and more expression in your face would help.

I’m no esthetician, but as I guy I feel I can comment. Bravo for putting yourself out there, a very confident thing to do. People are attracted to confident people…

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You look fine Anna…you sad or flat…but otherwise fine.

I’m both self conscious about the way I look (I cut my own hair/I’m overweight/I sometimes get acne) and at the same time care little about looks. I’ve been told I was born with good looks but “not as good as my brother” (gee thanks!) and that I’d “won the genetic lottery” but I’ve lost all that. I admire you’re bravery in posting you’re photo, I would be too self conscious (my most current pic on the internet is from several years ago and my preferred are from my mid 20’s)

You’re honestly more attractive than the last girl I dated and on the inside probably X10.

yeah, I am not selfcosciousness still… I just needed some cheering up :slight_smile:what a hard illness.i am not sure how the bright schizophrenics are doing but my cognitives symptoms made me dumb… or I just need to put a heart on all of my life yeah:)

You have such pretty lips! :heart: Like @Maggotbrane said, I would grow out my hair if I were you though, and

Smile! :slight_smile:

Anna10 there is actually absolutely nothing inherently ugly about you, at all. The darkness of your poor self-image is the problem.

Turnip wrote the same thing in a way better way. Screen shot it and save it to your desktop. Print it and pin it where you can’t miss it.

Get out of your bed. Get out of your head. Get outside! Sunlight is really good for you, especially upon first waking. :slight_smile: