What am I supposed to do, any advice against voices are welcomed

So , I’ve been put on cariprazine and my (standard, needed, not the problem) high dose of seroqeul
But ever since they put me on cariprazine things have been real painful
All the doctors seem to love it and think of it as a miracle cure…
I m not so sure I agree …
I have extremely mocking and condescending voices from start until end of the day, all the time.

I get completely furious and so angry that I have even punched holes right through the living room table… I walk around in constant anger and fury , It’s to the point that I’ve thought “this can’t be healthy being THIS angry all the time and just swipe it under the rug”

I get nothing out of my days, interests I’d like to pursue, socially, I don’t get anything out my days.

If anyone knows any advice (I can take having voices, but it’s the anger I can’t! ) might it be supplements, techniques , things to do, anything I’d be grateful.

it’s one voice , the same as always but more aggressive, a person I know or used to know whom I absolutely hate more than anything else

wish you the best.


Sorry to hear you’re struggling @further

I would not personally pay much attention to hype around a particular med, as they react so differently for different people

Abilify did to me what you describe here

It made me super aggressive, agitated and did nothing for my symptoms

In the end switching was the next thing on the to do list

Unfortunately they left it too late, and I had to be put in hospital before they actually did anything about it

Hopefully you’ll get treatment before it comes to that


I get too irritable and even violent off meds. Its not the case anymore since I am on 6mg risperdal. I have tried Abilify, Latuda, Zyprexa and Risperdal, a small dose of Seroquel for sleep. You might need a med change as your current med doesnt seem to work, let your Dr know about your symptoms, what you described here. He might increase the dose or change meds.

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Thanks for your replies.
Im going to try and change my meds, first try to lower cariprazine as I was doing better without it. We tried increasing both separately but that didn’t work out.

Only thing is I’m moving soon and I don’t want to go to a hospital before that so I’ll just have to hang in there until that’s done.

Its a process worth going through, as the reward of stability at the end is the aim - and priceless

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Okay I will try and make that happen soon !

The best I can say, is that you are far far above the voices. In turn they try their best to make it seem as though it is the opposite. It is not easy, but understand. You belong to a club of special people. Many more of us, love you and I don’t care how that sounds. Love is Love…

God I wish someone said that to me in the past.

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Welcome back to the forums further.

I would be upset that the voices are mocking and condescending.
If your on an AP and the content of the voices doesn’t change or reduce; I would talk to your doctor about a change.

The anger you have is understandable.
I can also relate to the statement that you “get nothing out of your days”.
I have felt like that.

Hopefully your pdoc and you can find a medication where the enjoyment of your life comes back and your symptoms are reduced enough for your days to feel like a social accomplishment.

My advice is to work through the medication adjustment, continue to try and have enjoyable days even with the voices mocking you and becoming condescending.

You control your day.
Let their comments just pass through you.

Don’t get upset and give up.

Thank you very much for your replies and your advice !

first, OTRAWHATTHEHECK thank you very much for saying so.

And I feel the same way, wish someone would have told me that at some point …
and the rest of you as well
thank you for your time.

I have a problem with minimizing my issues, as I still to this day actually fear ,to some part (nothing like before ) , the healthcare system. I’ve felt so sick that I was scared they were gonna take everything from me and / or lock me up for good. Silly , I know , I’ve made progress in that area and now mostly put my trust in them. But it’s still a bit of a struggle.

But yes I’m going to get a med change as soon as I can , thank you all for your advice, Im still new here so it’s much appreciated . Hope you have a great week .

@further I blast weird music into my ears. It just makes the voices make more sense to me. I also get visuals almost everyday tho

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