What age was the most successful part of your life

My most successful part of my life was when I was in elementary school…because I was the most popular person in the school. The reason why, I was the best athlete in the school.

I’ve been implanting false positive memories in my mind. Whenever I feel down I just say to myself ‘Nonsense, I’ve had a perfect life’. I reckon that a lot of our memories are false anyway and so we may as well impant false positive memories instead of having the default false negative ones. A lot of what we recall depends on our current mood anyway, so there’s very little absolute truth to it all.

To be honest, this last year has been most successful for me. Good job, nice place to live, able to do fun things. I count myself blessed.

I would say either age 32 when I was a telemetry and ICU nurse, or today at age 60 when I’m even more successful than I was then.

Today, I live in my wife’s beautiful home, we always have plenty of home cooked meals to eat, my wife is my chauffeur, I’m responsible for keeping the house clean, my wife is the repair person and keeps up the yard, and does the laundry.

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