Were there complications during your own birth or pregnancy?
My mom found out she was pregnant with me after going to the emergency room for food poisoning. At five months, she went into labor, which the doctors were able to stop. When I was eventually born, she spent a total of two hours in labor, and the placenta was white and calcified.
They say poor nutrition or complications in birth may be linked to schizophrenia. I’m curious how common this is here.
İ have heterochroma eyes pattern and and some deformated foot fingers.those are for sz patient deformation.i love my eyes pattern though.because it s very rare.
My mom had blood clots during pregnancy. I was also pulled out by forceps cuz had the umbilical chord wrapped out around my neck. I still have the scars.
My mom had toxemia of pregnancy when she was pregnant with me. She was all big, puffy and swollen because of it and the doctors in Mexico City said she looked nice and fat and healthy. The doctors in the US did not agree and told my mom’s parents that she was dying. That’s when I decided to be born, prematurely. My birth saved my mother’s life.