I go in once a month for my resperidone shot. It’s two cute Asian girls. At first things were friendly but I admit, I acted a lot more confident than I really was and I thought they picked up on that and I thought it would be awkward from now on. But this morning they were both cool and were asking some polite questions about work and going hiking in the park. I mean they embarrassed me a little but the whole shot process went really smoothly this morning. Sometimes you just don’t know what effect you have on people.
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I think you’re probably making too much of what you see as a social stumble. I’m sure it meant nothing to them, maybe they didn’t even notice
Glad it’s going well
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Yeah, you’re probably right.
I do the same thing. Sometimes I’ll obsess over the smallest thing, thinking what they must think of me, I made a fool of myself, etc etc. Meanwhile it didn’t even break the flow for anyone else
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Sounds purely friendly.
I hate when anxiety kicks in.
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