Got myself another dna test that’s supposed to breakdown your British ancestry into regions. Follow the instructions as mentioned in the leaflet. Attach label to lid(which is ridged)-Remove mouth swab from container. Only trouble as I unscrewed the lid the label started to peel off. In my haste to refix the label I must’ve closed the lid again and now I can’t unscrew it to take the mouth swab out. I guess some locking mechanism kicked in.
Have contacted the firm but probably £120 down the drain. Should have done the swab first ,put it back in container,closed lid and then attached label. Or perhaps they should have explained it that way in the first place. Then maybe I was a fool for taking the order of doings literally.
It’s strictly for genealogy purposes to trace ethnicity. I’m hooked on it even though the results vary from company to company . They reckon it’s better at distinguishing at the continent level ie European from Asian for example than at the country level on the same continent ie British from Scandinavian for example.
I don’t think I’m on some police/national database.
Have asked for a replacement. I think the order of instructions in the leaflet they sent was bad. Tweeted them to say it should have been 1) Take swab out 2)swab mouth 3)Put back in container 4)Close lid 5) Attach label.
Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll send a replacement.
Finally solved the lid problem. Apparently you have to pull hard to get it away from the container.
That was hard. It took several goes and as much effort as I could muster. I admit I’m far from the strongest person . It would be even more difficult for people weaker than me.
It’s turning into a farce. After failing to respond to my first contact they email me this afternoon to say they are sending out a new kit. I email back to say “no need” as I have managed to do and send in the kit. Go to my account and click on My orders and no orders listed.
I am not impressed.
I should do that DNA test, I have my name, but it is my greatgrandmother’s name, my greatgrandfather is unknow, so my real name is unknown, there have been rumors that he was a Russian military officer, well in the end of the 19th century, maybe one day I have my DNA tested. I know there are companies that can do it.