Weirded out

The thing that bothers me is when I was in the hospital I was wondering what hospital I would be transferred to and I heard a voice saying Methodist and that is the hospital I ended up being transferred to. No one told me this before. It makes me wonder if the 11 year voice I heard will come true also. I never even heard of this hospital before nor have I overheard it.

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When this happens, I get very on guard. I’m looking and, well, feeling out everything. (Not like physically touching things, people don’t like that, but getting a sense of how I feel about the things around me.)

I try to see if I’m having deja vu or not. Am I dreaming? That sort of thing. It sounds really chaotic but once I make it a puzzle, it’s less scary for me.

Psychosis causes memory problems so you probably heard of that name before, its just your psychotic brain playing tricks on you.


You mean this happened to you? Can you explain?

There are a number of times in my life where I have been pulled into a vision / hallucination / feeling of the future. When I was in high school I could have gone to college, a specific one, early. I didn’t feel excited about this but sick about it so I turned it down. When I did go to college, I accidentally ran into a person and got an immediate flashback to a different time where we were very much in love. I found out that this person made the decision to go to that same college early (We would have me there if I went.) I married that person but as the years went on that vision of the past started elaborating and turned into a nightmare. I tried to ignore it but when things started getting bad for me mentally, I was told that I had to deal with it on my own. My spouse won’t / can’t help me with it.

Those aren’t the only times, just the ones that are on my mind lately.

I’m not saying that these visions, feelings and hallucinations were of a time past that I have already lived (despite how much it feels like it). What I am saying is that I think it’s myself trying to tell me something. Maybe it’s hindsight that is making these connections. I don’t know. I just know that I try to pay attention when something in my life sparks a particularly strong reaction from me.

So the flashback was to a time you really were in love together or was this a hallucination?

Yeah, I would agree that there is a good chance that you are misremembering. Although, instead of misremembering that you had heard the name, I think it’s more likely that you are misremembering what the voice said, looking back in hindsight and thinking that the voice said Methodist when it said something similar. I don’t believe in precognition of a paranormal or supernatural kind.

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No I know for sure it said Methodist.

The story isn’t a hallucination, I’m like 99% sure. But the flashback in the story was an all encompassing dream like vision where we were both deeply in love with each other. I don’t normally have ones that take over all my senses at once and it happened so fast, I barely had time to react and keep myself from falling over.

From most of what I hear, actually remembering a time that far back is impossible as people don’t live that long and not many people believe in reincarnation but with those who do, vivid memories of past lives are even rarer. To keep myself from accepting too many “extraordinary things”, I relegate visions and hallucinations like that to my own psyche trying to tell me something. I fear that if I accept it as something that really happened, I will become full on delusional. I have to keep myself grounded.

Hopefully, I explained that right.

But we’re you deeply in love in your past?

I’m not exactly sure which frame of reference you are speaking from now.

I was in a previous relationship where I was in love but not to the extent with the person I married.

What do you think of my situation now @Bowens now that you know I remembered it clearly?

I still don’t think your voices can predict the future. Either you are mistaken, it’s a big coincidence, or you had heard the name before. The only way someone can predict the future is by using logic.

Not supernaturally.


Sometimes you can just get lucky too…just as a side thought…this is the case with psychics sometimes…Lucky guesses

It’s not that hard to have a decent chance of success when you predict that a couple will break up for example…many times they do.

I was hearing voices of spies. So I thought they told me in my head.

Your voices are not coming from an external source, they are coming from your own mind.

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