Weird noises in my house today

It’s no secret I think my house is haunted.

But today lots of noises are coming from the area I believe to be most haunted.

I know it’s going to be very warm today and that the house kind of creaking sound when that happens,

This is more of a stomping sound.

I have work to do back there today, I can’t spend all day being scared.

I can’t take a PRN because it makes me sleepy and I have to work.

My husband is in the office today so I’m alone.

Even my dogs have been responding to the noise, so I know it’s not a hallucination.

It could be plumbing or something. There’s a reasonable explanation for it whatever it is.

Can you move your work to another area ?

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I can for a while,

But inevitably, I’ve got to go back there and get a few things at the very least.

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  1. Your house is not haunted.
  2. No one has ever been hurt or killed by a ghost.
  3. The dogs are responding because the noise is real and they are new to the house, not because they feel a strange presence.
  4. Imagine the worst that can happen and then embrace it. Nothing will happen and your fear will be more manageable next time.

Rexy why do you think there are ghosts there?

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is it windy? there could be something banging against the roof or something…

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I always think my house is haunted.

It’s just the way it is.

But to make matters worse, my mother in law’s ashes are in the guest bedroom.

@jukebox, I haven’t noticed it being windy,

And the noises seem to be coming from inside the house.

But I’ll keep that in mind.

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it’s probably an expanding pipe in the walls…they pop when they heat up with hot water…old houses make a lot of noise…it’s just an old house…now, think to yourself…you believed the last house you lived in was haunted too…what are the chances of moving to another completely different house that is also haunted…you shouldn’t believe this…!!

I believe your house is haunted too. I believe in that kind of stuff. My house is haunted too. Don’t be scared though. It’s not a big deal. If you want them gone, get a team out there to help you.

It’s possible a racoon squitl or even a little bird is taking refuge. Maybe bird just came back from down south for the winter

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