I was once robbed by 2 gypsies in rome. I was headed back to the hotel. I turned down a back alley and was stopped by a gypsie man. He told me to give him 20 euros or he would show me the lady sitting on the grounds legs wich were covered up by a blanket. I was confused and said no. He said ok and removed the blanket. The gypsie woman had infant legs. All i could think about was her on a tricycle and those tiny legs just peddling away. So i gave them 20 euros.
I was on a ferry headed from seatle to some islands. Apparently the deer swim from island to island looking for food. I saw a bunch of them in the water thinking thats awesome. Then i saw a long black fin and another. It was a pod of orcas, who made quick work of the deer it was bloody violent and beautiful. I never imagined i would witness orcas killing deer or how amazing and intimidating this odd hunting / migration act would be.
I also was almost robbed by gipsies, but I wasn’t actually. I was at an atm machine, and I had very long hair at the time, was wearing a long skirt and I felt someone behind me, as I turned around there was this huge gipsy family, the mom the dad and about 5 kids all different ages but all very young. She said she thought I was a gipsy from behind, I said “No, I’m not” with a smile, than she asked me for money, I didn’t have enough to withdraw and told her that I only had 7 euros in my account. She then said, give it to me anyway, and I replied the machine doesn’t give out coins, she was very surprised to hear that, I had to repeat it to her.
my brother brought his cat to meet our cat. she was very pissed and didnt want to play wth our cat. but then on one day they started to play and i locked them up in 1 room and sat down there and watched them play. the cat my brother brought started playing with our cat and jumped so high i couldnt believe it. like 1 meter high. then they started to hunt each other but ended up with fighting each other in the end and we had to keep them seperate. the hunting was like a dance… and her jumping so high made me really feel weird about reality.
I was 19 and I was with a friend who I met while we had both worked at the same restaurant. We went over to the house of a couple of old friends of mine I had known since sixth grade. It was a Saturday night and we each took a hit of acid and right when we started to peak, we decided to go for a drive.
Five of us piled in my friends van ( this was 1979 and vans were very popular in California) and we took off. It was about 10:30 at night and we ended up on a four lane road linking two local cities. So we’re cruising along and the next thing we knew we see a single paramedics van up ahead in the middle of the road.
We pulled up and there are two smashed up cars in the middle of the road and 5 or 6 bodies strewn about a wide area all over the road. It was a horrible car crash. Most of the bodies were covered in blood and not moving. It must have just happened minutes before we got there.
We had beat the cops there, it was just one paramedic van and us but we could hear sirens coming. As you can imagine, since we were all on acid, we were tripping and freaking out. It was a horrible, nightmarish, surreal scene. One I’ll never forget
Last week I was speaking to a guy who had to have his vocal cords operated on as a child. Anyway initially the op went ok. But he said he kinda dreamed/witnessed himself having a large bleed in his throat. He had an out of body experience.
He could distinctly see who was all in the operating theatre. He saw two doctors, two nurses and some students. He heard the surgeon say that he had found a tumour in his throat and this had caused the catastrophic bleed. My pal then returned to his body.
Upon waking he was back in the ward and the surgeon came to talk to him. The surgeon was just about to speak when my pal interrupted him. He told the doc he knew about the bleed, the tumour and all the people in the theatre. The doctor asked how he knew this and my pal told him about the out of body experience. He got every detail right. The doc was pretty freaked out.
back in my teenage yrs we used to walk the railroad line in the middle of the night to paint graffiti. One night my friend and i walked a 20 mile stretch. In the most remote part, no houses just woods, we heard someone say “hello hello hello”. We looked to the right side of the line and in the brush there were 2 little girls in white dresses. This was about 12:30 am . No houses anywhere near by. No reason for 2 little 5-7yrs old girls to be there. When we looked, they giggled. My friend and i looked at eachother for a split second and took off running,
Another time i went with a group to an outside concert that had a campsite. After the show we all went back to the tents but i decided to take a walk. I was high on ecstacy. I ran into a guy who warned me about a leprechaun that he caught trying to steal his grill. He said he ran out of his tent and knocked the guy square in the face and the force made him spin and he disappeared. I was like yeah right. He warned me not to leave anything out. I said ok then continued on. I ended up chatting with a nice girl and all of a sudden right next to me there was a shorter irish guy. I didnt see him approach. He started trash talking calling me a loser . I asked him who are you and where the hell did he come from. In brogue he answered me that he was the devil’s advocate. I turn to see what the girl thinks of this guy for a second and then the man just disappeared. I would have seen him walk away because we were in a field. I believe he was a leprachaun
When I was 17, my girlfriend and I were hiking in a local county park. We happened upon a large herd of deer, and got the idea to follow them. So we headed off the trail into the woods, and they let us keep pace with them for several minutes, pausing and milling about if we got too far behind.
Eventually, the herd split in two, with the larger part running off into the woods and a smaller group og about eight staying behind with us. They continued walking through the forest with us, stopping and waiting when necessary so that we could keep up with us. After another fifteen minutes of walking, and they had led us to a clearing and a road running through the park. They waited until we got onto the road, then turned and ran back into the forest.