Continuing from here:
My best thing was finally getting to see my pdoc. I feel really good about her and I think she and I are on the same page. I am hopeful she can help me get myself better.
What about you?
Continuing from here:
My best thing was finally getting to see my pdoc. I feel really good about her and I think she and I are on the same page. I am hopeful she can help me get myself better.
What about you?
Well something bad turned out to be something good.
I was a little scared that I made the wrong decision in the degree I’m taking, that it didn’t actually work and I was wasting my time and my moms money.
Then, I strained a tendon in my leg in a tai chi class. Became completely demoralized. Set up an appointment for massage and another for acupuncture and with both the pain completly went away, and I was able to walk normal again in three days. So, I regained my trust and I’m fascinated with acupuncture again.
That was the best thing…
A side note, with the needle on the right place I actually felt the pain leaving my body, I’m not bullshitting you.
I put on a new kitchen faucet, and fixed my cold water pipe that broke last winter.
Every day I’m not standing in front of a movie theatre and flailing my arms at the World, is a victory for me. So yeah, last week was a good one for me.
That is really cool.
I know you can do this course, and it sounds like some of your classmates could use your perspective.
Just a lazy past weekend…not much going on…
Nice work! We had pipes freeze last winter, thanks to a rogue settlement of raccoons, but luckily no pipes burst. It was a long 36 hours of space heaters and hair dryers.
For me, it was the parking lot outside the student union. Which wasn’t such a bad day in itself.
I am such a Tinky fan, I can’t tell you.
I reached back to Montreal safely and rested. I’m back home. I received even more presents and brought all my friends even more presents. I reduced alcohol intake significantly. I haven’t even had wine these past few days.
I have doc’s tomorrow and it’s a moment of truth. If he thinks I can get on disability, my life will change.
Is that a gerbil and a cat?
Cancelled my pdoc appointment… Cancelled my gynecologist appointment… I might as well cancel my life
Oh, this should be about good stuff?
My last gynecologist appointment a guy walks in and starts talking to the doctor. He was really cute too. I was so embarassed.
Lololol you have to reschedule. I tell you this as someone who just scheduled her first in years two months ago. It won’t be as bad as you’re expecting.
This sounds like an excellent week all around. Good luck at the doctor’s!
I’m cancelling it for the third time. I would throw myself out if I was her.
Avoiding everything that makes you uncomfortable… That’s me
SARA. Hahahahahahaha find a new doctor. Have I told you my Theory of the Conservation of Gynecological Appointments? They can neither be created nor destroyed, so any appointment you skip will have to be made up some time.
Why does she scare you?
She asks stupid questions and the table.
God, the table.
Lol, I’ll write you, can’t spoil the thread anymore.
I’m perfecting my diet (still). It took nearly 1.5 years since discovering veganism in which I am still trying to find the perfect diet based upon what my local grocer offers.
So far, the vast majority of my diet’s calories comes from nutrition bars, cereal(s), bagels, baked beans, and sweet potatoes. Carrots & green beans make decent sides, and I’ll occasional dabble with some chocolate several times a week. The longest living recorded person in history (122, a french woman) swears by chocolates as being a key to relaxation & longevity.