We care too much?

I think I worry too much over things like climate change, nuclear war, massextinctions and so on. These things are mentally breaking me. I escape usually in my world of imagination. It’s difficult to cope with reality. I rather see the world through my pink glasses and shut off. We as human mankind are what we are. Some people seriously made me believe my worries are not real.

I feel the opposite way around I’m so filled up with my own personal feelings and thoughts that I’m not capable of worrying about the climate change or wars or something. I believe it would be better if I cared more about the world, but to me being ill is like a daytime job. A job that I didn’t ask for and can’t quit.

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It’s like you got a house and you worry about the roof needs fixing. When you would sit back and relax doing nothing and take medication to help you not to be worry about. Definitely your worries come true the next rainingseason.

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I think when an animal sees its life like a job. It wakes up and get hungry and thirsty. Need to get food and arrange safe shelter. Well, I don’t know what they are worry about.

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