We all know the "No need to prove anyone anything"

But do we still want or need to prove ourselves something then?

Yes I think so.

Me personally I have proved I can beat Sz to some degree, and I have proved to myself I can do some things and not others.

Despite having limitations I still feel the need to prove to myself I can do things.

It’s a drive I think we all need in moderation

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I think it’s worse to prove YOURSELF than the others to be honest. I think I demand more from myself than the others do. Also if I keep demanding from myself and suffer from mental issues it’s very easy to start demanding from the elses.

If you demand more of yourself than others do that means you have a drive to succeed and do well if you can push yourself to do better.

I know it can have issues if you have a mental illness, but without it I wouldn’t be working or living independently

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Well, a happiness may come when you don’t demand and rather kinda ‘feed’. Feed your desires.

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