My appointment is at 1 and here I sit watching the time with every regret the surgery doctor will tell me today how bad the osteosclerosis has eaten away at my hip and knee bone is it too late or can it be saved and here I sit Wastin away don’t ask me if I worry don’t ask me if I Cry one of the things in life Thou shalt not die
Fingers crossed for the best.
Best of luck. With a mom and a grandma with horrible arthritis I see their suffering all the time. Hip pain sounds terrible.
Take care Dr Zen. Much love to you.
How did it go DrZen?
All the best @DrZen
Good luck DrZen. Let us know how it went.
I just got back and the left hip has capillaries to the Bone blocking the vessels from getting blood through it and it’s cause the bone to start dying they are going to do surgery on the 23rd of August after the doctor gets back from his vacation I have requested a pain injection and was denied although I was pleasant to hear I will do a home recovery rather than being placed in a care recovery therapist and nurse will come out and see me other than that that’s all I have to report other than the doctor was an hour late
Thanks for letting us know DrZen.
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