Was I in real jail?

I always thought there are some good people in jail. It just seemed like they were too nice. I’m scared that I’m gonna have to go to real jail.

One guy even told me he’d send me to real jail.

Then the white gang leader told me most people would get jumped for not picking their feet up in the morning but that didn’t apply to me.

I don’t want to go to real jail.:confused::pensive::cry:

I’m like the dad off boondocks that obsesses and fears the most that he’s gonna go to jail and get raped. :laughing:

I imagine “real jail” would be prison. A much more permanent arrangement. I have never been to prison.

I’m too pretty to go to prison. :tired_face::sob:

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Back home I was in every holding cell, jail and prison :open_mouth:


I was in county jail for 11 months. I was moved around a few times from module to module. It wasn’t until I was in the psychiatric wing that I felt safe. I got into a fight once, I really didn’t want to but I had to stand up for myself. The guard told us to work out our differences. A guy had stolen my bed cot and wouldn’t let me use the latrine. Then later at a different module, I was jumped by some cholos. Finally I was moved to the psychiatric wing.

It was no cakewalk. The psychiatric wing was more bearable. Less jail politics. Whatever the case, jail is not a good place to be. I worry about having to go back depending on the outcome of my case.

I hope you don’t have to go to jail either.

You come off as trollish but I obviously cannot tell. You seem to be looking for something…time will tell.

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I live an interesting life. What I say is true.

I thought he was trolling too until he posted a pic of him in jail and a link. At least now we know that he’s not trolling. But seriously @Enlightenedbeing you need to be serious in life and not get in trouble. I know I am talking to myself as I am not your parents but its for your own good. Even being in mental hospital is better than jail and prison.

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