I also had a brief stint in the theatre field when i was about 8 years old. I was in a michael jackson dance for bad lol. and also a part in oliver twist as Jane?? Can’t remember who she was or if that was a creative thing that they added.
I was in drama in junior high and high school. I also dressed up like Magenta from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and acted out her scenes in front of a live audience every weekend for over a year during high school. Then I developed stage fright.
I had a crush on this girl In high school when I was playing drums for our high school musical . She was the lead role . Then I dated her and broke up with her and regretted dating her haha
I never made it to the stage but I dabbled in acting before I got sick…it was right before I got sick…I could cry on a dime and they were impressed by that…but it was because I was a very sad man at the time…
The closest I got to being involved was when I went along with my friend who was operating the spotlight. It was an amateur production for an audience of children.
But it would have been nothing without that spotlight !
No, however maybe I should have been at one point. Maybe playing Ursula or something. I used to love the theatre, we have been to see several Broadway shows