They will not dictate to me appointments and send me letters in the post
My GP said this week, not next week
This is entirely unacceptable to me
I have suffered several weeks of withdrawal, and I am getting pretty used to feeling like crap all the time…
Now I will press ahead with the medication reducing, but now my attention is focused on the Diazepam for the next few weeks - I am giving the Pregabalin reductions a rest for a few weeks before commencing.
Ultimate goal is 400mg Amisulpride and NOTHING else.
No medical supervision is possible. I asked for it the last 6-8 weeks, and now they finally offer it, too late my friends. Too late
That’s fine. It’s your meds, your health and your choice. But if you’re doing this to get back at them, that would be pointless. They won’t be affected by this. You could be though.
They have a duty of care and have failed me. Now I have been ‘out in the cold’ for so long, really I don’t give two shits if they have other meds that can help my withdrawal.
That was a simple question I have asked repeatedly for 6 weeks, and only now do they pull their finger out
I told them to give the appointment to someone who deserves it
My view is I am the one choosing to come off my medication.
It would not be morally correct for my own personal thoughts to take up a psychiatrist’s precious time from someone in greater need
I am quite prepared to work this through alone. 6 weeks have gone by and I am not dead yet, so I’ll keep adjusting doses of things and balancing my new job without their help
Off my own back I got it down to 5mg over a period of 6 months I think?
Now I will drop 1mg from tomorrow, and see how it goes.
If I don’t get a reaction, it will be another 1mg next week.
Then the Pregabalin will be next
After that, AP is getting cut in half.
My aim is to operate at optimum potential I have in me, and not be held back by these medications messing with my abilities to work
I am not anti-medication by any stretch, I just feel recovered enough from things I regard as temporary situational instances that I have been given longer term treatment for out of lack of resource and focus from MH
I will let you know that if your goal is to foster, you will need a positive recommendation from your mental health team. If you have a mental illness on record and are not in an approved treatment, they will not certify you.
By time I get to that stage my medication regime will be settled down.
This is a process I have to go through, as I cannot get treated properly.
I am sick of taking these things that I feel no benefit from
If, and if, I get to where I want to, they will be pleased I did it as I will be
They are time poor, and I get that.
What makes me angry and use the word ‘war’ is the fact I am so pissed off about the amount of time (Mine and theirs) that has been wasted over the inability to answer a very simple question…