Wanting a scapegoat kid

I’m so glad I was never a mother. The only time I ever thought about it was when I was just a kid and I thought I just wanted someone to be mean to. It gave me a terrible headache to think like that. Because sadism has a habit of turning on itself.


Why did you want someone to be mean to?

I don’t understand this impulse.

To get even with my mother.

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That makes no sense.

It happens because wanting to kill mother is impossible because she is a giant compared to a child. So, when the kid grows up, sie is still angry at her mother and can vent her anger on a child because a child is small and sie can win.

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That’s not a nice thing to be thinking @PinCushion


Well good thing you didn’t have kids atleast.
Punching bags can help with venting anger

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Why are you using the German word for “she”?

(You still make no sense.)

No, I use it to mean either male or female.
You should grapple with my analyst. His attitude was unwaveringly cold.

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I can definitely see how scz can kill their mothers/ fathers or whole family.
But never the less it was the opposite for me. Very sad.
I remember a daughter killed her mother in my country a few years ago and chopped her mothers head off with a knife and dumped it in their neighbours front yard. Heads don’t come off easy either. :pensive:

I get even with my mother by spreading light where she would have created darkness.

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