Wanted to say thanks

Just wanted to say thanks for the support I’ve had whilst I’ve been having a wobble after dicking about with my meds and I’ve probably been annoying so sorry.

I’m back on the meds and am seeing my CPN and vocational support person once a week at the moment and seeing my pdoc as soon as he gets back off holiday. I’m still worried about the electronic weapons, but if you guys are telling me I need to take my meds, that seems to hold more weight than it coming from a normie.

This place has been a great support in helping me get back on them and recognising that I might be delusional.

Thanks again!


hang in there.

Meds work well for me and I am a stickler for routine. Take the pills same time everyday and do some exercise too. Make it regular and you’ll get some benefit.

Honestly. Didn’t notice you acting up over most so all good. You’ve nothing to worry about!

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You’re right about routine. I was taking my pills in the morning and doing some exercise and I work 3 nights a week. Thank goodness I haven’t lost my job, I’m paranoid as hell when I’m there, so hoping the meds kick back in soon.

Glad you didn’t notice anything untoward, thanks for your reply. :slightly_smiling_face:

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