Walmart apologized and refunded my money

I got an email from today. I ordered some face masks from a 3rd party vendor September 20th and never received them. The status showed shipped, but the USPS tracking shows the post office never received the package.

I previously complained to Walmart about this. They refered my complaint to the 3rd party vendor who just sent me a blank email. I was pissed off about this so I started ordering stuff from Amazon.

Since Walmart apologized and refunded my money, I’ll start shopping with them again. I’m happy now.


I’m glad you got your money back!


Thanks. 15151515

Walmart and Amazon both are very good at backing up their names. I get refunded or new items shipped out frequently. I’ve never felt ripped off yet by either of them. Right now I’m sort of leaning toward Walmart because I like their shipping better, but Amazon has better variety and I don’t have to spend $35 for free shipping. But I usually spend $35 anyway so why not Walmart. Why am I rambling?


I kinda prefer Walmart too. They usually ship FedEx, and they deliver here from 9am - noon. I like FedEx best.

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Me too, fedex comes to my door, half the time Amazon goes sure post and my crap ends up at the post office and I don’t have a car so I have to beg rides to pick up my parcels. I hate that.

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Ramble on
And now’s the time, the time is now


I don’t have a car either. So far the post office has left packages in my apartment building, once in awhile with the security guard. It’s been awhile since I had to to the post office to get something.

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You are so lucky @anon54988740

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Amazon is pretty great customer service wise. I had my account locked because I was being an indecisive idiot but they treated me like a king and got me going again.

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They locked my account bcz I just opened it and bought a 1000$ laptop for my brother. They thought it was fraud.


i got my masks at the store and on ebay.

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50 masks for 16 dollars its good deal

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