Waiting for a call form a nurse

I am struggling with coming to terms with dreams

In them I am meeting people and we’re having conversations in my head for hours after I wake up

They’re leading me down a grandiose thought path, and getting my hopes up

It makes me angry as I have lost all hope, and do not believe their promises to me, as they’re hollow and meaningless

I don’t want to live my life in false expectations, and beliefs that make me feel like I am something I am not

My luck is ok, but this revealing of a future that it’s far removed from reality is not doing my self-esteem or motivation for working any good, at all


you shouldn t underestimate your targets like this.all targets are meaningful as long as doing meaningful efforts to reach them.i m reaching my targets step by steps both in educational and employment degree.first thing you should believe and act for your targets.this is not a pro lifer $hit.it s a life’s fact.as long as you want it your targets; its became true.

This is the problem. The targets are completely nuts, and I am not setting them, these things that have crawled into my head are just winding me up

I have reached my targets - now I am at a loose end and have no idea what I am doing with my life

Typo mistake, sorry

@Joker needs to be cancelled, erased, have his head cut off

Extricated from this ■■■■■■■ mess is what I need right NOW

Just not good enough. I am not good enough. I am going to throw it all away, and over what?

You have nothing to apologise for

I am so ■■■■■■■ selfish. I just upset my mother with my ■■■■■■■■ on the day of her operation

Out of hours are not answering the ■■■■■■■ phone

Is this all part of a grand plan to drive me insane through torture - I hate my mind and want it destroyed

Why can’t anyone help me?!?!? FFS

Hey mate. Just catching up. Be patient. Most services are overloaded in most places and it pays to be pleasant and persistent. Don’t fly off the handle and try to keep calm.

What time is it over there? Many services over here are 9-5 and it’s hard to get services out of hours. It could just be there’s help coming…just hasn’t reached you yet. Do you have to work today? Your dealing with some stuff but it’s not false information. Things can and do get better and you never know where that is in the scheme of things. Please. Relax if possible and be kind to yourself.

It’s 7am. The nurse I spoke to yesterday decided I needed an ambulance, but I talked him out of it and said I’d make my own way to the hospital

I didn’t go.

Yes I have work in 1 hour and my headed is ■■■■■■

I can’t relax. I hate this entire situation

This is entirely my fault. Selling my flat and being on probation AND messing with my meds all at once. I cannot cope with this ■■■■

I need to start turning off switches until things settle back down again

Paranoias used to make me live in hell too.i can relate but after i got 3 mg extra paliperidone i m living in a real heaven.(i mean completely paranoia free)i m not exagerating.i now how this …cking paranoias feeling.you just need right medicine and right dosage thats all.thats all simple is that

Be safe. If that means er that means emergency. Please. Don’t do anything silly but you need some help. Some things we can’t do alone and making decisions now isn’t the way to go. A short time off work isn’t bad so go to ER. One thing at a time and stopping the meds clearly isn’t good at the moment.

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I can’t take time off. I am still in probation

Nobody can feel the extreme pain I have

I have tried and failed

Have to burn everything to the ground

Start over

Every input is next to ■■■■■■■ useless

Shut this pointless thread please

@rogueone @Bowens @Ninjastar @Moonbeam