Voices say that I am a scoundrel TW

“shut her mouth and rape her”


However, they didn’t mention whom

I’m a good person, but the better I am ethically, the worse the voices ethically


Voices want me to kill my grandma, especially her, with an axe on her forehead

I’m a good person. Voices are evil demons. I’m the medium

“look at the clock, is it time yet to kill her?” “wait a bit longer”

The voices can be terrible. I believe that our karma is benefitted by our suffering and living a complete life with these voices.

As an aside, have you tried every medication?

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I have tried around 12 APs. With my current combination I am better than ever .

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At least that’s something. Are you on clozapine?

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Yes :slight_smile:

Alien tries to get me to kill my loved ones too. He puts images of axes and ropes and knives in my head to torment me.

Sorry you’re struggling with it too. I know how horribly tormenting it can be!

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