Voices Call Me a Sucker

For believing them if they are ever nice to me. Anyone else get this?

Yes, they have told me the same

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Sorry to hear that. It’s awful, isn’t it?

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It makes me feel stupid, lol

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They pick on me too.

My condolences to everyone who suffers.

The voices just hurt.

Yes, but they are the horrible ones.

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Yes. Do you have voices despite the meds?

I do because my dose isn’t high enough right now. How about you?

Some days I have voices, other days I have not.

That’s better than what I’ve got. I have voices all the time, every day.

So why don’t you up the dose?
Ask your psychiatrist

I will when I see him in a couple weeks.

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My voices are condescending “bless him” , “aint he sweet” blah blah. Some might say its comforting - but when your hearing them in bed at 2am, it pisses you off.

I was told to engage with them from a nurse instead of ignoring them. When i answered back tho - they got worse. But now i actively take the piss outta them - and for me that works better now.

They only creep back when the depots due now tho. And thats when i do my 25mg 's

Ok, but until then what you’re gonna do?

I’ll try to ignore them as much as possible.

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My voices are also condescending and very sarcastic as well. They also get worse when I engage with them, but they’re so horrible that I can’t help but fight back.

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Know its not easy, but maybe your better off quietly ignoring them then, and remaining “emotionally flat” about them. The more your reacting - the worse they get.

Dunno what drugs your on - but maybe ask for a prn dose. Doc gave me 25mg Quetiapine for “psychotic anxiety” to take thru the day ontop of the 300mg at night. Its just enough to knock em out, but not put me to sleep all day.

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Good advice. They’re so hard to ignore, but, you’re right, if I try to stay emotionally flat, it should be easier. I’ll try upping my dose of meds too.

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Just keep telling yourself its in your head, and that your fine. Its too easy to get sucked into what they say.


That’s a good thing to keep thinking. Yes, it’s so easy to get sucked into them.