Visions I Had Today

Today’s visions were less intrusive, thankfully. There’s the vision of my old best friend, saying “I have mastered schizophrenia causing and being annoying.” That’s like hearing an adult bragging about tying his own shoes. He is one of a few evil people, who really have learned how to cause visions. I have that problem, and regular schizophrenia, too.

Today also had the visions of my dad, saying that he would have not installed schizophrenia here, but “didn’t think that it would be that bad.” He never took the time to look up how badly it can destroy life. My dad said that he thought that schizophrenia was “neat”, because it can cause Tardive Dyskinesia. It’s like talking to the devil.

I talked to the police and figured a few things out. Visions can be caused on purpose, but there’s also the part that mimics people. Schizophrenia is obviously an attack which required training. Voices have similar, evil personalities, like they are inferior and trained to say negative things. It is possible that evil spirits, magic, and stupidity are the true cause of schizophrenia. The most stupid develop a “control freak” desire to pointlessly control other people’s choices. Studies show that drug use increases the risk of schizophrenia. That tells me that the dumbest 5% of people wanted teen age drug users to be tortured with that disease. The visions that I see are not caused by my mind. They can be caused by evil spirits in the mind, and also evil pranks of others. I’ve had to hear part of the song “greased lightning” twenty times today, and someone else is choosing to make that happen. Perhaps and evil spirit moved into my mind to haunt me, but the mind isn’t designed to do that by itself.

My main problem is sort of visions too. They seem so real. Like I’ve had visions and voices of people dying. Now I don’t know if they died or not. And replaced by their clone. That’s how far my thinking goes.

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Does it seem like very short film clips? That’s how mine are. The violent ones are sometimes real, like I witnessed them in the past. Others seem like acting. I also hear the voice of a feeble minded midget, dimwit, called God. He says that he chose me to be a witness, and he babbles and rambles, like a drunk monkey.

Yeah they seem like film clips in my head. I saw people I know being tortured by the mafia, one of them they put an apple in her mouth because she was a teacher. I still don’t know if she really died, but I’m starting to realize maybe I’m wrong.

I even saw visions of violent things happening to people in my high school, in the 1990’s, and many bad things happening to my mom, too. Maybe they were supposed to be repressed memories? There’s no point in seeing those things, right? It serves no purpose.

The problem is I think my boyfriend is the devil because he said he was a fallen angel. It really bothers me.

It could be a hint, or nothing. Idk

What kind of hint would it be?

My ex best friend used to ramble on about how terrible he was, but I thought he was just joking around. He ended up being bad to the bone in all of the worst ways. He even attacked a lot of my friends, but I had no clue until later. That’s just one instance though. I didn’t know that he was foreshadowing…

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