Vision Loss

Anyone else have loss of vision from either SZ or the meds? I always had 20/20 vision but for the past few months I can barely read if I hold up something close but looks fine from a certain distance. Might have to get some glasses.

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I’m 54, so it could be age in my case. But I’m currently in denial and even though my eyesight isn’t as good as it was, I’m not getting glasses (yet)

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I’ve been short sighted from teenage years. I went around without proper vision for a couple of years until I got contact lenses and the difference was remarkable

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HOw old are you @Mars ? If you want to share, that is/

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At the eye clinic, I was told that your up close vision often tends to deteriorate around 40 years old or so. My up close vision not good, and particularly bad in right eye.

My distance vision isnt bad at all since cataract surgery in right eye.

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26 years 1515151

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Ive had glasses before sz when i was 18 or 19 years old I only wear them to drive but my vision deteriorated at a young age

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I always thought vision problems on most AP’s was transient…meaning that it was only in effect while taking the said AP’s. Blurry vision and such. But I am not an expert. I don’t think sz itself is likely to be the culprit.

Maybe ask both your pdoc and go get tested by eye doctors and see what you can find out. I Dont know.


ah yea i been having same. i still have ok view but i do notice it’s getting less… like things a bit further away from me i don’t see sharp.

I don’t know why it is though… maybe the age (43 now) or the meds, i don’t know.


I started to need glasses when I got into my late 40s now at 54 im dependent on them.

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Yeah I have an appointment at the eye doctor. My parents both have to wear glasses to read so maybe it’s genetic.

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