Violence isn't the answer

Statistically speaking people have shown me capital punishment and other extreme behaviours don’t deter bad actions, deeds, or crimes.

I still believe some people need to get their stuff bashed with a stick repeatedly.

The oxymoron of me chilling out as I get older but at the same time more violent plagues me I don’t understand why this happened to my thought process but whatever

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I get angry fast when off meds or when on non working low dose.

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I am more calm on meds.

It is our personal job to tame a violent temper if that’s what we inherited…

That’s the results of high and low dopamine levels. I’m much calmer now on Olanzapine, there’s less of a chemical reaction in the brain to external stimuli.

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Yeah which is why I don’t get into fist fights with people who piss me off anymore like I used to

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