Did I just get trolled…
I see what you did there…
Yep…and hard!
fiiiifteeen chhaaaaraaaacteeeerrss
This post has 48 views. It’s amazing how many people wanted to see you pierce your nipples
I wanted to know why i should too…but no rick rolled…now i have a terrible song stuck in my head and i didnt even click the video because i knew lol…so thanks for that…
Weren’t there any videos of Rick Astley singing while having his nipples pierced?
i self pierced my lip twice when i was 15
I think they’re just nipple-curious.
Well, dang. I saw your title, went off and filmed myself piercing my nippled based on your recommendation, and came back here to post it, but now I feel foolish.
Did you pierce all 13 tiny kitty nips?? His pictures a cat they got like 13 nipples…how will the children drink? What about the kids rhubot…what about the kids…
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