Video Game Thread 6.0

Been playing “Yakuza: Like a dragon” on my new ps5. I’m very happy with it. The game is steeped in Japan’s culture, kind of silly.

I love my role playing games. They’re my books. I’ve never minded lots of reading in a game. I like the world building, the character arcs, the twists.

Wishing all the gamers a good game!


I have the habbit now off skipping cutscenes. I just like pure gameplay.

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So I got some Assassin’s Creed games on sale since I have never played them before. I feel like the sequels are great but I heard the first one is kind of meh, I’m playing it because I always play games in order, but man is it boring. Soooo repetitive. Stealth walking is so slow I’ve stopped doing it altogether, I just dash to my objective and kill all the guards who are chasing me in open combat.

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That looks like a hidden Xbox ad. If you need to play more than 15 games simultaneously then yes, I guess it will be a problem.


You can also use an external hard drive/ssd.


Yeah exactly. This won’t be a huge problem unless you somehow need to have all 15 triple A games ready to play at a moment’s notice.


nintedo online cost 20 bucks for year


thanks! is it worth it?


idk. some people copomplain . idk there is good retro nintendo nes snes library included

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:eyes: retro library you say? thank you for your input!

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Look at these cute bois!
Damn that’s cute.


I just got this on switch during a sale!!! Ive been dying to get my hands on this game and good thing I waited too! I got all the DLC songs and whatnot in a discount bundle I’ve been having a lot of fun hearing new songs and whatnot :smiley:

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Literally me with terraria


Agreed, I remember being so unamused with assassin’s creed in the early 00’s when it first came out and now my first assassin’s creed game in 3 on switch. Not too bad, Im having fun when I remember to play the story hahaha

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15 AAA games will never fit on 850 GB. Call of Duty alone grows to be at least 250 GB within its cycle every year. Maybe if your games include scrabble and mega man classic you could fit that many, but new games, you’re limited to realistically 5 max, more likely 4 in my experience.

I have 2TB on my Series X and I’m already 75% full. Master Chief Collection uses A TON of space. Also if you play Game Pass, you have to fully download and install the games when you play them, they aren’t streamed, so it fills up quickly when you’re just fooling around with multiplayer titles like I do with my brother.

Next gen games on an external hard drive won’t be able to run, because they need a solid state drive. I’m not sure about this 100% but I’m pretty sure neither system (PS5 or XSX) will allow an external SSD. The only expandable I know about is the proprietary seagate 1TB memory card for Xbox. I have one and it’s pricey at like 130 dollars.

I’m pretty sure you can run PS4 games and Xbox One games on PS5/Series X with an external, just not the newer games. Most of my knowledge is about Xbox and not Playstation though.

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