This video was put together by my friend Darrin, for our best friend Dan and who has recently passed away.
This video was put together by my friend Darrin, for our best friend Dan and who has recently passed away.
Doesn’t work. I don’t have Facebook. But sorry for your loss!!
Thanks @Jonnybegood he was an amazing guy, and a good friend
Sounds terrible.
The tape it was taken from is 30 years old
Here’s an interesting side note. I was just coming from the kitchen, thinking about Dan and I noticed the temperature. Just when I looked at it, the bottom number, the humidity switched from 76 to 77. It’s as if he was saying hello
I was 77.7 kilos once going into the hospital. Tripped me the f out. I said at least not 66.6. Then I’m like. Well 77.7 jackpot.
Yeah watch out for dragon flys or butterflies? today. Symbolic of friends visiting I heard
That’s cool. There’s been a hummingbird that floats outside my sliding door a few times now. Gives me some peace of mind
i don’t have facebook either, but sorry for your loss @Cragger
Thanks @Zoe . I didn’t think it would matter if you’re on Facebook, it’s just a link to the site. Maybe I’m Wrong on that
i think i can’t see the link if i am not on facebook, not sure now
sorry for your loss =(
I’m sorry for your loss @Cragger
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