Very slow progress-weight

Being medicated makes strength training suck for me…I feel like an old man and have to triple my caffiene intake to do it. Now I just do cardio for my heart health.

When I have all my dopamine and unmedicated, I’m super hot :smiley:
But psychotic, so…its looks or peace in my mind for me

How do people feel about topamax? I think that drug, contributed to my head feeling like people live in it! Also other weird ■■■■ happened while I was on it.

I do not recommend it. :exclamation:

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His videos are FREE!

I like programs. I can follow programs. Hmm…


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Hang in there. At my highest weight I was close to 190 pounds but over the course of the last 5 years I have reduced to around 140 pounds. I have been able to do this by portion control and by doing simple exercises in the comfort of my home and by trying to walk 12,500.00 steps a day.

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Today was proper weigh in day(I am taking part in a weigh in thread on another forum) and I have managed to hit the 1lb loss for the week(238.6) .
I am not interested in going down the route to being ripped and looking muscular but just want to lose weight.
@JanetKuhn2 if you could tell me the simple exercises you do in the home I would be grateful. I have always found videos or dvds of exercise plans hard to follow. They never seem to do them for those who are both really unfit and uncoordinated and go at too frenetic a pace.
Walking is not something I do much and certainly not 12,500 a day. I liked walking in a group via the mental health resources centre as we walked in the countryside and I had people to follow so I didn’t get lost. However walking on my own round town is not my idea of fun.
I do have an exercise bike and will have to go on that more(have been neglecting using it for quite a while).
I am not one for following diet plans though I accept some people find them useful.

There’s a good easy workout on youtube - search SENIOR FITNESS WITH PAULA - I’m a smoker and really unfit and overweight and I found this one good.

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Paula, mmmmmmmmmmmm

edit: I didnt do the search. hopefully Paula is rockn it. and not stregnthen your pelvic floor to improve incontinence , rockn it.

On the other forum other people are saying try to weigh after a dump. According to this article it wouldn’t make much of a difference if you go regularly but might if you are prone to being irregular/constipated.

I do leg lifts I also lift weights. i also do many different exercises with my arms that are similiar to yoga. you may want to check to see if your local library has any yoga dvds or if they have any exercise classes you could join at no cost. When I said I walk over 14,000.00 steps I did not mean to discourage you. Try walking for 15 minutes and gradually increase it. you also could look into public t.v because i know where I live they have simple exercise classes and some of them are classes done with a chair.


Today was a bit of a cheat day… Fortunately all the really bad stuff I split with my wife so I only got half a dose.

I am 5’9" and about 206 lbs right now but fortunately I notice my neck has gotten a lot leaner and I don’t have any trouble getting up the three flights of stairs to our apartment.

Made the mistake of weighing myself today and saw my weight had gone back up to 239.4 ie gained 0.8 since Monday. I am struggling to think how and wondering if there is any truth to the food intolerance argument that certain foods can make you put on weight . I know that after having a Tesco everyday value macaroni cheese(not a large size meal) my weight seemed to have shot up .
I know some years ago I religiously wrote down what I ate while dieting and my daily weight and noticed a pattern, but blow me if I can remember after all
this time what the culprit foods were.

Last summer, I lost about 50 pounds/ all the weight I had gained by just swapping dinner with a smoothie. I had a light high protein breakfast, eggs, banana, coconut milk, followed by a salad with protein for lunch, leafy greens with chicken/meat/fish/seafood and for dinner, I bought a nutribullet and made fresh vegetable juice, broccoli, spinach, apple, celery, carrots, beetroot. you can add pineapple or berries if you don’t like the taste but I reached my goal weight so easily. You can also add weight lifting to your routine, it’s very rewarding, you’ll build muscle quickly and lower your body fat percentage. I started a new program just last week called body beast. It’s a great body building program and it’s only 3 months. There are other exercises you can do like T25 which is 25 minutes 5 days a week and you’ll burn the fat off so easily. I would get so high after this exercise.


Yes I’ve been weighing myself daily which is a big no no(but hard to resist. Houston we have an impulse control problem).Yesterday morning 237.8 this morning 238.4 which means I would have had 2100 extra calories yesterday). I know that’s not true. I know you gain some weight during the day but you are supposed to lose it while you sleep. The thing being I hardly slept,
got up for a few hours then slept badly again. Apparently it makes a difference.

Weight Lost Sleeping

The precise amount of weight lost during slumber varies from person to person, but a study presented at an Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting in 2009 quantified weight loss among a small sample of healthy young men. Researchers found that the average participant shed 1/4 pound per hour while asleep, which was more than triple the amount lost while lying awake in bed. This difference may be partially attributed to hormonal changes as well as the fact that the brain is highly active during REM sleep, causing you to burn more calories.

I would say at 238.4 lbs I am more than the average participant .

Sorry monkey. I struggle with weight and food issues too. I’ve had eating disordered problems since I was 14…,but now that I went psychotic the AP has really crushed my workouts. So basically now I just do cardio for my heart health. Anyway I never weigh myself now. It makes me too grouchy.

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Weekly weigh in day today. Slow progress continues gone from 238.6 to 237.4.


BMI down from 35 point something to 33 .


I read good reviews about the military diet. It’s a three day diet and you can lose up to 10 pounds. check it out. I’ve also read good things about intermittent fasting, which is very simple and you’ll definitely lose weight on that one.

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Feeling pessimistic, sense this week the scales may not shift or go up slightly. Trying to remember this isn’t a sprint and will take time.


i used to eat really healthy like vegetable and lean meat only for lunch and dinner and only coffee and fruit for breakfast. this diet made me lose about 20kg in total. almost never had cravings or appetite for anything else and could control my hunger like it was nothing. but now after the schizophrenia i gained 30 kg and cant control myself at all eat everything i see. it could be due to the medicine but im still worried that once i reached the weight im at now that i cant go back and this appetite is permanent.

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Earlier than usual weigh in due to being awake and up. Now at 236.2 lbs which is down 1.2 lbs. Slow progress continues but pleased as better than expected (thought I’d lose 0.2/0.3).