Vegetarian Diet Linked To High Depression Scores, Suggests Large Meta-Analysis

Can’t fault that, they taste horrible.

I’m tired of people I don’t know telling me to rearrange my life around their beliefs. Some are valid and some are outright nutty. I’ve probably dialed back more than most when it comes to carbon footprint and I’m satisfied. I’m going to keep eating meat. Vegans who don’t like it can arse off and mind their own business.

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I don’t like excluding entire food groups from my diet.
Everything in moderation including so called junk food.

Are people literally putting that kind of pressure on your eating habits? But I feel you, I feel the same way when people want me to work. :sweat_smile:

But you do exclude entire groups of food, from reptiles (maybe seafood?), insects and a long etc. And junk food is junk food, not “so called junk food”. :face_with_monocle:

There’s more than a few vegans who are every bit as nasty as the anti vegan crowd. Neither of those groups rank highly as people I admire.

Naturally, I’ve met my fair share of them, but I prefer to stick with the arguments.

I’m just as capable as you when it comes to the pros and cons.

I know, I wasn’t being derogatory.

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Fair enough.1514

Some actually, yes.

I avoid as much processed food as possible. I like preparing my own meals from fresh ingredients. I even make my own ice cream and such.

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