I went to the er. It’s still really cloudy. I have seven days left of antibiotic. I hope I don’t die from this.
You’ll be okay,
It’s just a bad UTI.
I’d give it until I finished my antibiotic, then talk to the doctor again.
You’ll be OK. Only thing to think about: if your mid-lower back starts hurting, then you need to go back to the doctor, ASAP. That would be because it has spread to your kidneys. BUT, that is unlikely to happen. You should be totally fine.
I’ve had like 100 UTI’s in my lifetime. Only spread to my kidneys once.
So, don’t worry. Just pay attention to the pain - it should start getting better, not worse.
Every so often thanks to kidney stones. Unpleasant, but usually cleared up by ABs in short order. The kidney stones are the bad part.
Yeah she told me that if I had back issues to come back. I just need to give the antibiotics time to kick in.
If you’re having burning pain, down there, you can get this at the grocery store, in the pharmacy area. It’s over the counter. It’s called Azo. It will numb your urinary tract and help you not feel like you constantly need to go pee.
I hope you feel better soon. I usually feel better within a day after starting the antibiotic. But you have to keep taking those antibiotics all the way till they are gone.
I’ve only ever had one UTI but it was very miserable. I was having really bad night sweats with it. And I was exhausted for about 2 weeks.
Take your meds as directed @roxanna and you should be okay. Hopefully there won’t be any further complications. Hope you feel better soon.
I’ve had countless UTIs. I’m fine though and you will be too. Don’t worry
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