Use Sz to your advantage, contract law and bill collectors

I did some dumb things I admit, and I have a couple big bills to pay unfortunately, however, I don’t really feel obligated to pay them.

so, the bill collector just called, and I have researched this. I read some law information that says if you sign a contract while you are psychotic, you don’t have to pay it, it’s the law in some states.

so, I told them I’d been in a mental hospital, gave them my diagnosis, and she was polite, thanked me, and said she’s not calling me back, she’d let them know to discontinue. We’ll see , I’ll let you know if it worked, but perhaps you may want to try it too. :slight_smile:

here’s what I’m finding

Mental Health Legal Centre Inc.
Liability for Contracts When You are Unwell

In certain circumstances – such as where you’ve been undergoing a
manic or psychotic episode, you may have entered into a contract, which
you may not have entered into if you had been well. Later on you may
wonder about your rights.
You may be able to get out of the contract because it is unenforceable against you, depending on the circumstances.

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Hehe I took advantage of the same system in my country. I had a college tuition debt 200 k NOK and got them to delete it, also get disability income of 19 k NOK a month.

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