Updated treatment plan

I have accepted the crisis team now but with conditions:

No hospital
No baiting me
No scripted questions
Have to only tell me by phone an hour before

This way I feel better about it, and my requests were deemed reasonable given the circumstances

I refused diazepam as it took me 2 years to reduce from 30mg to 4mg a day

So they improvised and gave me Lorazepam 1mg 2 a day for three weeks as PRN


Fingers crossed for you mate.


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Thanks @shutterbug

I still have to continue with the 1.2 gram Amisulpride dose, but I hope when this ‘blip’ is done with that would come down again

I found lorazepam a very effective PRN, I took 1mg when needed for 17 years, maybe a couple times a month at most, sometimes I would go months and months without needing it, I never abused it and never had a problem with it. I don’t take it anymore though because I am now on 1.5mg clonazepam for insomnia every night.

Good luck with it!

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Best of luck with everything @Joker!

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Was it your new job that was stressing you?
Was the landscaping job less stressful?

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Both were stressful

I am signed off sick until January now. Will see how I feel then and might go back to it

Also had the stress of med reduction and flat moving, but they have been stopped now


I had a Lorazepam and it seems to have calmed me a lot


Best wishes @Joker

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@Joker I’m glad they are listening to you. I hope everything works out. Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:

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