Update on my social life

I am going on two dates next week
I can’t decide between the two guys I will meet next week. I might end up dating both of them. I’ve told them about this already if they still want to meet me and they both said yea.

And for friends,

Once I hit a significantly lower weight I will join some meet up groups where I live.

I’m tired of being so alone.

Action must be taken.


Good luck. I’m a very social person and still catch up with people I’ve known since the first couple of years of high school. Since hitting late 40’s I make it a regular thing to talk too and catch up with people. I formed the wednesday adventure club simply to meet up with old friends who are like me and don’t work. It’s a group of 4 regularly so I think it’s great your looking to make friends!

Keeping friends takes some work but it’s so worth it!

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What’s a social life?

I sort of remember having one before the pandemic.


I’ve been looking at events in my town to meet new people. I am also really sick of being single!
I’ve met a few people off the internet but a most women lose interest when I tell them my situation. And I kind of understand why, but it is frustrating.


What has been holding you back from having a social life?

Is it symptoms anxiety that makes it hard?

I’m very okay with being asocial.
Symptoms and anxiety make it impossible anyway even if i wanted to be social.

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That sounds nice. What do you do at the club?

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I sort of never remember having one. Hehe

What about mental health groups. I used to be part of one and you get gals and guys there. If you are in the UK, then I heard that MIND could be great

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We meet. Have lunch and talk rubbish. It’s been going for over a year now and currently up to 5 regulars and 1 maybe depending on work. One divorcee. One remarried. One separated permanently. One married. One defacto. It’s a pretty good perspective of modern Aussie Males of around 50 years of age!


Love it! I’m happy to hear this.

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Yes I have anxiety I get anxiety cos my mind is a mess

That’s good ur OK with being a social.

I mean u have ur husband at least.

I have no one.

That’s why I’m going on 2 dates next week

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I found it’s important all these years later that life takes you away from people but it’s good to re connect and keep your friends. Takes a bit of work but love catching up with the boys. We have fun. Swap stories. I think it’s great your realising it’s good for you. Just takes some effort. I tend to be the one to organise the get togethers but I’ve heaps of time to sort it out!

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I have a hard time being social with him. So much pressure to find things funny, do things that i find no pleasure in doing. The best is when he is social with his friends and leaves me to myself. The good part is just knowing he is in the same room. So yes, that is good.

I hope you meet people who you can feel comfortable around and can call friends or more.

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I’m sure they really appreciate you for organising it.

I do have one friend from my past that I’d like to meet up with but idk she’s so normal I might not fit into her lifestyle.

We were childhood best friends.

I love her.

But idk if she feels the same way about becoming friends again.

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Yea I guess it is nice to just have a presence company especially with this condition where being absolutely alone can sometimes be frightening and disturbing.

I really want to discuss the two guys but I know that I will regret it. My Romance life should not be presented to the world. That’s like exposing my DNA out of it 's protection… It will get destroyed. My romantic life requires protection in order to live.

Good for you on taking action to make things happen in your life socially @Zoe. You have more courage than I do. I would like to maybe find some sz groups, but they are all in the city and I can’t drive in the city. Too much anxiety/paranoia. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Oh that’s quite far yea…

Hmm I wonder what alternatives there are.

How is dating sites going of u don’t mind me asking?

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I have been lucky with these 2 guys cos they seem nice so far plus I’m not looking to ever build a family in my life and only looking for temporary. And they also want the same.

I don’t think I’m built for life long relationships because of the way I am designed. And I’m actually okay with it although my colleague at work is like, girrrlll when you get older your hormones will change and you will change your miiind!.. I don’t think so but I appreciate her hopes for me haha.

Idk if it will work out with either of them yet as I dunno them and they dunno me, but am glad to get this opportunity to go on two dates.

Even if it doesn’t work out, I think it will be a useful experience.

As I have not been on many dates in my life.

It’s a good confidence builder when you try things that are sorta new to moi