How many of you are in this crazied reality, and lost hope on the picture of life a long time ago. Doing nothing “exiciting” or “connective” or “purposeful” with their life, a complete failure just existing? Maybe little “joys” here and there. in complete misery and numbness you don’t even think of life, as you just need to continue to perserve. Getting little glimpses of the serenity of sanity, and reality of others knowing the life that you have wasted and missed out on? Fighting this never ending agonizing useless fight of mind. Just continuing in this game over state of mind?
Just wondering because I feel like this somedays, does anyone else think/feel this way sometimes?
True, but at the same time it just seems like some higher means of denying yourself and the life you wish to pursue, some self created evaluation that brings comfort and acceptance to the situation.
Even if depicting happiness on a different note than interpreted external life is realer.
We put so many conditions on being happy which is the problem mostly other people and material things. Think I’d go totally and completely mental around someone happy 24/7 anyway it’s just not right or normal to me.
Ah, the life of perpetual misery from the inertia of the comfort cocoon of nothing, yes I did know it all too well.
It spins each day strengthening the bonds of the string that eventually keep you strapped into comfortably zero, my hero.
The longer you spin, the softer comfort you’re in, until one day you’ve taken your last breath
wondering what that thing about life was all about…seems the tickets are still left at the counter.
Down the curtain drops for the final show.
@csummers the picture you painted hits home, whatever that was or used to be. i would buy a ticket for your show, but time seems to put me in a different place. the curtains closing was the dream of it all, did you enjoy the show? @Csummers my failed attempted at being poetic about the madness
Once I reached my breaking point, where I could no longer work, and barely graduated I realized I needed to go on disability. I actually went through the grieving process for my life. Suddenly I was faced with the reality that, my brain had betrayed me, along with the realization that it had done that for most of my life. It wasn’t easy, but I’ve come to accept a different type of life thats not so bad… Reality does indeed suck but… I try to make the best of my situation. There are times where its just a muddled madness though, everything seems far away, reality is an illusion… The cards we’ve all been dealt i suppose.
That faraway reality…I’ve seen it a few time well enough that I though I could touch it. A little reality can do a soul some good.
Life is never all good or bad, not forever anyway, it’s usually only for as long as we hold onto something we want to be something else-causing unnecessary pain for all involved, and the worst thing is, it prevents us from spending time finding and loving something we actually want because it really is true to itself.
All things change no matter how hard we grip them, but that in itself, is what keeps me going.