I always hate it when i hears my neighbour knocks onto the wall or floor, makes me very irritated. it seems as though they are replying to my thoughts (boardcasting of thoughts: logically i dont think thats possible, a possible reason would be me thinking and speaking my thoughts at the same time without me consciencely knowing that i spoke) i am human not god, humans have evil desires foolish thoughts. Why must they knock when for example “i think i will be a good boyfriend” and they would knock, something like that. its jus a presumption after logical thoughts of my character and thinks of a logical possiblility. Why must one be persecuted because of thoughts alone? If you see someone drops money on the floor and you were lacking of money, your initial thoughts maybe, “i wan to take it” , but on second thought you did not. but for my case i was persecuted because of the initial thoughts. I am human not god please. I have evil and good side of me, so does everyone. So please stop this kinda of persecution because i think badly or too “holy” in some sense. Very very irritating to hear knockings, i always couldn’t take it. its currently my main concern and my obstacle for recovery. The main thing i hate is , i hate people “knowing” my thinking. I feel everyone is very unforgiving for my case as, “if you dont know the whole story, please keep your comments to youself”. One thing to add, i was on a train thinking abouthow unforgiving people are and how people treated me, one guy was crying, an amercian was kind of sad, i changed my thoughts to my favorite game, i was thinking “maybe i should buy this cavalry to play seems fun, maybe the archer on horseback sounds fun too” and this american was giving me the face , oh you money squander prick. At first i didnt noticed something was wrong until i remember “buy”, for people who doesnt play games buying something means of using real currency to buy. For games, there is game money and real currency game money. I uses game money to buy things, i try not to use real currency to buy stuff , waste of money , thats what i feel though and sure enough the american turned his face to the back of the train looking out to the far scenery giving me the looks, i was wrong that kind of feeling. So that is why i say, if you dont know the whole story, please keep your comment to yourself. Hopefully my world will have more forgiving people to come, especially my neighbours.
Trying to send some good vibes your way. Hoping you have a great day today. ((HUG))
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thanks there pixel. ^^
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It must be horrible not to be able to forgive.
(heads-up: it’s a capital “P” for “Pixel”: he was a former mod of the forum. not many people use a lowercase “p” and live to tell the tale…)
just kidding