Understanding Voices

When you hear a voice tell you something like “stop that” do you know exactly what they are telling you to stop doing or are you confused of what the voice wants you to stop doing? For me it’s both. For example, I was in a group therapy session today and this very peaceful voice told me “don’t listen to them, they don’t control you” I didn’t know if she was talking about the other negative voices or the people in the room. Where at other times I’ll be making coffee and a voice will say “stop” and I’ll know it wants me to stop making coffee. Sometimes I know what the voices mean and other times I don’t. What about you guys?

One of mine is completely incomprehensible. One of the others once told me to “kill the bum” and I was confused because there wasn’t even a bum nearby! Sometimes, they’re incredibly confusing.

My voices call me names so it is easy to understand them. Don’t know why they call me the names though sometimes. Wish i could get some privacy thinking people can read my thoughts.

I understand how confusing the voices can be.
I remember one day, I woke up to “you have 15 minutes to make things right” and I was panicking because I had no idea what I had to do.

The voices I hear are clear as day in what they want.

I tend to intuitively know what the voices are commanding me to do.

This disease tries its best to control you and keep you in its reality. It’s best not to listen. But to me when I hear a hallucination the hallucination also comes with a thought that interprets it sometimes like my brain comprehends it automatically. Sometimes it doesn’t. You should try to figure out if the times you do know what the hallucination is talking about if your idea of what it means comes from the disease. Sometimes the meaning behind the hallucination is so complex yet at the same time so easily understood.


I usually understand what the voice is saying and means but because it comes to me in my head, I struggle to understand if it is an inserted thought or my own thought. Sometimes it is more obvious than others.

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I’ve completely silenced my inner voice in order to know that anything that passes through my mind isn’t “my own.” Hellish.

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Yes when my voices tell me something I know exactly what they referring to. Even if they vague. That’s how they haunt me and control me.

It’s very weird to have a thought in your head say something to you and call you by name and then wonder “Was that me or was it them?” That never used to happen to me. Ever. I do believe humans are talking to my brain. They can talk to my conscious along with inserting thoughts and emotions to my subconscious affecting my mood and behavior. I know how vulnerable it can make a person feel to think your brain is being accessed. I know that my meds help, though. I would be psychotic, as opposed to just being delusional if it weren’t for meds.